Alternative Education Program
Suspension and Expulsion Program
What to Expect When a Student is Suspended or Potentially Expelled From School
The Principal at St. Luke will work with the Administration teams at all of the YCDSB high schools to support students who are serving suspensions from their home schools.
1-5 Day(s) Suspension
- Parents and teachers will be notified by the Administrator overseeing the suspension.
- Students are expected to receive a homework package consisting of work that can be completed independently.
- All evaluation of student work is postponed until the student returns to school and will resume at a reasonable time, that is, at a time where the home school teacher determines that a fair assessment can take place.
- No evaluative penalties can be applied while a student is serving a suspension.
- Students may not participate in any school-related activities while a suspension is being served.
6-20 Days Suspension
- Parents and teachers will be notified by the Administrator overseeing the suspension.
- The YCDSB is required to offer an academic program that will support student learning. Parents and students will be encouraged to participate in the Suspension/Expulsion Program at St. Luke.
- The Superintendent of Alternative Education and Safe and Caring Schools, in consultation with the Principal of St. Luke, will determine which site the student will be permitted to attend.
- An intake meeting will take place with the Principal of St. Luke, where a Student Action Plan will be devised if parents and the student agree to participate in the Suspension/Expulsion Program. Components of the Student Action Plan will include:
- Academic goals
- Behaviour goals
- Supports: CYW, Behaviour Resource Support, psychological services, Addiction Services, etc.
- The home school continues to retain the student on its register and assumes responsibility for the provision of work.
- Home school teachers will collaborate with staff at St. Luke to provide work for the student to complete.
- The St. Luke teacher who is assigned to supervise the student will maintain contact with the home school teachers regarding progress and/or concerns, and may request additional work if needed.
- A re-entry meeting takes place at the home school, with the Administration, appropriate staff (Guidance, Special Education) and parents, to:
- facilitate an easier transition back to school and
- to identify any supports that are required to support the student at school.
20 Days Suspension Leading to Expulsion
- Classroom teachers will be notified by the Administrator overseeing the suspension/expulsion.
- The Administrator will complete a referral package; the referral is approved by the Superintendent of Alternative Education, who will confer with the Superintendent of Safe and Caring Schools, along with the Principal of St. Luke, to determine the most appropriate site for the student.
- Each classroom teacher will provide a mark entry print out, indicating the work that has been completed in the course to date, and a breakdown of the mark.
- If applicable, the Guidance Counsellor will provide an updated copy of the Student Disability Accommodation Plan, per Policy 208.
- If applicable, the Special Education teacher will provide a copy of the most recent Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.).
- An intake meeting will take place with the Principal of St. Luke, where a Student Action Plan will be devised. Parents, the student and an Administrator from the sending school will attend. Components of the Student Action Plan will include:
- Academic goals
- Behaviour goals
- Supports: CYW, BRS, psychological services, Addiction Services, Attendance Counselling, etc.
- The student will be assigned to the roster of a St. Luke teacher who will assume full responsibility for the delivery of the academic program.
- The Superintendents of Alternative Education and Safe and Caring Schools will make the final determination with regard to student placement once all the requirements of the expulsion have been met.