
St. Luke CLC – School Crest

Over the past three years, there have been numerous changes to various aspects of the two programs that run at St. Luke Catholic Learning Centre. As a result, we have seen a significant uptake in referrals to both the Alternative Education and Suspension and Expulsion Programs. There has been a positive shift in the school climate. As a school community, we believed that our school ... Continue reading "St. Luke CLC – School Crest"

Secondary Attendance Reporting Procedures

At  St. Luke CLC, student attendance and care of our students are of critical importance.

The attendance program is available for parents and/or guardians to report their child’s absence or late arrival in advance, or before school start for the current day by accessing the Secondary Attendance Program using one of these three methods:

Welcome Mr. Scenna

The St. Luke Catholic Learning Centre community is pleased to welcome its new Principal, Mr. Scenna.

Mr. Scenna began his career as a Secondary, Transitions Diagnostic Centre Special Education Teacher for the York Catholic District School Board.  As an educator and Vice Principal, Mr. Scenna took on a variety of leadership roles including Special Education, Healthy Active Living, Student Success, Safe Schools, Equity ... Continue reading "Welcome Mr. Scenna"

Safe Online Learning Tools

Please click here to review the letter from Mary Battista, Superintendent of Curriculum, and Darlene Clapham, Chief Information Officer, about the YCDSB’s Green-Yellow-Red Framework for safe online learning tools.

Great Resources from Youth Speak!

Youth Speak is a wonderful organization that our school has been working. We have been so fortunate to host guest speakers who are not much older than our own students, who share personal stories as they related to mental health, bullying prevention, addiction and recovery.

In the meantime, they have shared with us a number of useful resources for students, parents ... Continue reading "Great Resources from Youth Speak!"